
The Educational Partnership Center at UC Santa Cruz is home to eight programs that support socioeconomically disadvantaged students and their families across the Pajaro Valley, Monterey Bay, and Silicon Valley. In collaboration with campus, community, state, and national partners, we incorporate research-based strategies to help students access and succeed in college. We leverage each program’s expertise and services to maximize outcomes for local students, their families, and our community.

EAOP Program Logo

Early Academic Outreach Program (EAOP) is a statewide college preparatory program.  EAOP increases the academic preparation, awareness, and motivation of high school students to and through higher education.

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TRIO Educational Talent Search

Educational Talent Search (ETS) promotes higher education among low-income students in the East Side Union High School District and Alum Rock Union Elementary School District in San Jose, CA.

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Gear Up Program Logo

Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP) increases the number of students who graduate from high school and achieve a postsecondary education.

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Girls in Engineering (GIE) enables middle school girls to imagine themselves as future computer scientists and engineers during a week-long summer day camp. GIE is open to 7th and 8th grade girls from Santa Cruz and Monterey counties

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COSMOS UC Santa Cruz Program Logo

California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science (COSMOS) encourages high school scholars to pursue their interest in STEM and fosters the next generation of scientists, engineers, and mathematicians.  A four-week residential summer program, COSMOS provides an unparalleled opportunity to work side by side with outstanding researchers and university faculty at UC Santa Cruz.

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The Central Coast K-16 Regional Education Collaborative (CCRC) is creating a Central Coast Region in which students achieve their goals within K-16 education and local industry, and secure high-wage, high impact careers that advance opportunities for upward mobility.

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California Student Opportunity and Access Program (San Jose Cal-SOAP), funded by the California Student Aid Commission, increases academic success and affordability and access to higher education for socioeconomically disadvantaged, low-income, and first-generation students and their families in Santa Clara County.

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Mesa Program Image

Math Engineering Science Achievement (MESA) fosters early interest in math and science, and prepares middle and high school students for college STEM majors.

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