About EPC

Who We Are

The Educational Partnership Center at the University of California, Santa Cruz increases access to higher education for students across the Monterey Bay, Pajaro Valley, and Silicon Valley. The EPC helps educationally disadvantaged students and first-generation college students in our region reach and succeed in college.

Our Vision

Every student will be prepared to access and succeed in college.

Our Mission

We build educational equity and create opportunities for socioeconomically disadvantaged students and first-generation college students in the communities we serve by forging partnerships and empowering students with knowledge, tools, and support systems to access and succeed in college.

What We Do

Who We Serve

Research, Evaluation & Innovation

The Research, Evaluation & Innovation team provides the EPC with:

The Educational Partnership Center uses research and evaluation to develop targeted interventions to best meet the needs of students and families, schools, and the community. Our research and evaluation work helps us to:

Strategic Plan 2021


Our Vision: Every student will be prepared to access and succeed in college.
Our Mission: We build educational equity and create opportunities for socioeconomically disadvantaged students and first-generation college students in the communities we serve by forging partnerships and empowering students with knowledge, tools, and support systems to access and succeed in college.

Core Values


We believe in the power of education to transform the lives of the students, families, and communities we serve.


We build partnerships with stakeholders to increase student access and success in college— a collective approach is the most powerful way to achieve the greatest impact.


We seek institutional and systemic change in public education to influence and advance educational equity and college attainment for all students.


We have high expectations for ourselves and strive to instill these standards in the students, families, and partners with whom we work.


We embrace different perspectives, cultures, and experiences and recognize their value to our communities.

Educational Equity

We seek to close racial-ethnic and socio-economic gaps in college attainment by promoting systematic change and encouraging students to believe in themselves and their power to transform their communities and the future.

Advancement of Knowledge Using Research

We measure and evaluate our work through evidence-based practices in order to improve and advance knowledge of educational equity.

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