Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP) GEAR UP is designed to increase the number of low-income students who graduate from high school, and prepare for and succeed in postsecondary education.
GEAR UP is currently offered in Watsonville/Pajaro Valley, the Salinas Valley, and South Monterey County.
GEAR UP Services Include
- Tutoring
- Intersession/summer credit recovery academies
- Homework centers
- College/educational field trips
- Academic advising
- Workshops
- Financial aid information
- Cultural enrichment programs
GEAR UP is Effective!
Serves all students at designated schools in specific grades from as early as sixth grade through students’ first year of college. No application is needed to receive services
Provides school-based, rigorous, academic preparation and support for students and families to help them navigate the college-going pathway
Increases student academic performance and preparation for college, including student and family college awareness
Creates a college-going culture within the broader school community
GEAR UP is a federally funded, discretionary grant program. EPC’s GEAR UP program has been awarded nine multi-year grants since 1999
GEAR UP is in the news! See the full article here!
GEAR UP Works Across CA! Click here to listen to these stories and see how #GEARUPworks and transforms lives in California!
GEAR UP Contact Information
South Zone Direct Services Director
Chris Mutshnick
South Monterey County Assistant Director
Felicia Nance
Salinas Valley Assistant Director
Alberto Cortes-Perez
Pajaro Valley Assistant Director
Osiris Ortiz